So, you might have heard a bunch of acronyms, names, and abbreviations for Lego stuff that Lego fans use. What do they mean? Here are the translations of the basic Lego terms.
Studs-Those little bumps on the top of most Lego pieces/elements. Also Lego fan's way of measurement (see Measurement)
Elements-What you call any kind of Lego piece
Bricks-The basic Lego brick, usually 3 studs high
Plates-Flat Lego boards of any size. If you stack three of these plates on top of each other, it would be the same size as a brick.
Baseplates- Thinner than plates, usually large.
Tiles-Like plates, but has no studs on top.
Decorated/Printed Tiles-Tiles with any kind of pattern printed on them
AFOL-Adult Fan of LEGO
KFOL-Kid Fan of LEGO
TFOL- Teen Fan of LEGO
Measurement: In stead of using inches to measure Lego bricks, Lego fans use studs! For example,
This brick has 2 studs one way, and studs the other way, so we call it a 2x2, but you have to be more specific. Is it a plate? Is it a tile? Is it a brick? Yes! A brick so the full name would be "2x2 Brick" and if you would like to be more specific, you can add the color.
This is the basic Language of Lego! (this was a collab post, meaning both Angie and Gabe worked on it!)